About Me

Hi there! I’m Julia and Vibrant Health Choices is my virtual home where I share my passion for healthy living. I am a mom of 4 who loves to inspire people. I created my blog as a way to connect with you. My goal is to reveal how fulfilling and necessary aligning a healthy mind, body, and spirit truly is on the road to optimal health and happiness. 

My healthy living journey began when I was 30 years old. At that time I used to weight 212 pounds and I couldn’t even tight my shoe laces. I was tired of feeling unhappy with my life and myself and that is when I decided to make a change.

A change that would transformed my mind, body, spirit and overall health. This transformation led me to create this blog so I could share with you my personal experience and help you achieve your own transformation.

Here you’ll find resources geared towards redefining what it means to be fit for your whole being. With options ranging from self-love, mindset tool kits, as well as tips and strategies on health and wellness.


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