Understanding Self Love

It is super easy to beat and talk down on yourself. It is clear to say you are not desirable enough, but what if you could give yourself a good comment every time you do a righteous deed. Can you do it? Can you give yourself an honest remark when you do something good? StartContinue reading “Understanding Self Love”

The Essence Of Self Care

When was the last time you cared for yourself? Most people are quick to think self-care is the satisfaction they get from helping others, that is good, but it does not equal self-care. What Is Self-Care? In a nutshell, self-care is anything you do for yourself that makes you feel good and happy. It isContinue reading “The Essence Of Self Care”

The Necessity Of Eating Healthy

Obesity is the biggest lifestyle disease of all time. It is a condition where excess fat gathers around the body due to unhealthy food habits. This has become the causative agent for many diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and many more. What Is Eating Healthy? It depends on your perception and the food accessibleContinue reading “The Necessity Of Eating Healthy”

Importance of Exercising To Your Body

 It is okay to input some basic movement between long periods of inactivity; it helps loosen up tight muscles and also relaxes the body. The importance of exercise cannot be overstated. Our body can tolerate extreme conditions and adapt too many situations, but the only way to get it going and healthy is through exercising.Continue reading “Importance of Exercising To Your Body”

Habits For A Healthy Mind

A healthy mind is a healthy body. There is never a good time to start training your subconscious. It does not matter if you are 20 or 80, the healthier your mind, the more fulfilling your life. However, there is a bunch of confusion on what exactly should be done to keep the mind healthy?Continue reading “Habits For A Healthy Mind”

Easing Your Mind Through Meditation

It can be hard to quiet the mind with all the chaos around us. Meditation can enable you to achieve that. Meditation is a practice that allows the mind to shut out all external and internal interference for a moment of solitude and calmness. It relaxes your mind, soothes your thoughts, filters out the rubbish,Continue reading “Easing Your Mind Through Meditation”

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