Understanding Self Love

It is super easy to beat and talk down on yourself. It is clear to say you are not desirable enough, but what if you could give yourself a good comment every time you do a righteous deed.

Can you do it? Can you give yourself an honest remark when you do something good? Start today!

Self-Love – What Does It Mean?

For many of us, it is hard to love our self; we do not know how to do it.  However, you can do it. YOU are special and deserve the right to be loved by all but also to be loved by you. Although self-love is challenging, when put into practice, it can improve one’s overall wellbeing and personality.

Tips To Help You Cultivate The Act Of Self-Love

  • Remove All Negative Thoughts From Your Mind 

The conversation you have with your inner self matters a lot because it influences your outwards behavior. If you are always bitter and negative, you have the same outlook on life. Learn to discard all thoughts and conversation that does not tell well on your person.

  • Daily Acclamation

Tell yourself something kind, loving, and positive daily. When you wake up, say something refreshing about you and own it. If you say, I am beautiful, own that beauty, and do not let anyone disrupt that feeling, including you.

  • Think YOU Before Others

Yes, a little selfishness is good. It feels great to lend a helping hand, generous, and put a smile on people’s faces, but if it does not bring you fulfillment, it is not worth the effort. Loving others should come from an overflow of loving yourself and not the other way around.

  • Spend Time With You

Because self –love can be hard to do, pretend you are someone else, and you are treating an esteemed guest to the best day.

Wrapping It Up

Sounds fun, right? Well, it is worth a try. This allows you to reassess your priorities and goals to become a better person.

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